Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fueling the good person

Lately Noah has been very interested in coffee. Why do our not drink coffee? Why do other people drink it and not us? Apparently all the reasons that I gave him were not acceptable (which is normal) he made his own observations. A little background on my son before the story. He loves trains and cars and thinks that he consumes water and food as fuel like cars and trains do. So him asking for fuel or energy would be the same as a kids asking for a drink of water or milk. Back to the story. After Noah asking question after question about coffee and me giving answer after answer he says " oh I know why we don't drink coffee. When we drink water it fuels our good person and when we drink coffee it fuels our bad person. And we don't want to fuel our bad person, so we should not drink coffee." There you have it fokes. If you don't want to fuel your bad person don't drink coffee. How he gets these ideas is beyond me. But the fact that he comes up with his own answers inspires me.

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